Have you ever wondered what it is to be fully self-expressed? Do you know what the feeling is like? Do you know what kind of satisfaction it can give you? Do you realize the kind of results you can achieve? Can you understand the offshoots possible? Can you understand possibility itself? Do you see what's possible for yourself? Do you see what's possible for the people in your life? Can you understand what's stopping this possibility from becoming reality? Have you wondered why you cannot do things? Have you ever wondered why things don't happen? Have you considered what could be done if you did everything that you knew had to be done? Have you considered what effect you have on your community? Can you consider the impact you've had, versus the impact you can have if you understood the impact you can have?
In this world you are your community. Your community becomes you and you become your community. Stand for possibility.... for yourself and your community. Possibility is endless....
So, I'm right. What appears at the surface is just the tip of a very profound person. :-)
And thanks for introducing me to Blanknoise Project.
o my! my!
what did the trip to bay area do to you? or is it just the mere thought of it even before you embarked :) ?
"Blank Noise" - pretty hip but right on! U hv the intro honors :)
How is life there mama ?
and this one smells so cliche-yee but you might love it like I did
"The job of a true scientist is not to answer questions but to ask the right ones" - Freud (or someone equally copacetic abt life)
..but I love that morning jerk u'v given me! Time for some decaf... :)
Like your style of writing! You should write more often.
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