Wednesday, January 05, 2005


I stretch my hands and hug the wind,
Absorb the aroma of nature's breath,
Around me spotted hills of white sand,
Ahead, the sea is blue and in good health.

The venue of many pleasant reveries
Seems pensive and laden with hesitance
Sending forth frothy emissaries
That touch my feet with reverence.

I am honored, my friend, but I fear
I do not deserve your veneration, for
though I am bent and wizened, full of care,
I am no rival to your winter score.

Then the sea drew back and stood
To a wild stallion it was akin.
Ever restless, yet never crude,
It marched forth, steady, serene.

My feet wet, then my body, my soul,
In my ultimate violent ablution,
I knew the ripples were not just consuls,
But were entreaties for my pardon.

The white sands surround me and the blue water is eerily calm. I can feel no wind, and yet it is there above me. All around me, it's as empty as my head is, right now. The waves touch my feet as if with respect. I am humbled, for the sea has seen countless many more winters than I. Again and again, they come. I sit there, for I wish to be close to them. The sea has been my friend. For every answer in the past many years, I have come here and put questions to these waves. Sometimes I have found answers, sometimes, the waves have been frustrated and just retreated, never to rise till I have gone home. But, they have always come back. And so have I - With or without answers.

Today, I was no different. I had questions, burning questions which needed the quenching waters of the sea to douse them. I was angry, and I was sad. The waves were very gentle, but not forthcoming. They touched my feet again, and drew me closer. Then the sea displayed its beautiful head with graceful flowing strands of surf. It took the heart of me, and I knew I could not leave. I waited to be absolved of my life and for both our souls to entwine. I realized that the sea had been asking me for pardon for what was to be my fate....


thoughtraker said...

hey very nice - really liked the verse!

NS said...

That was lovely...:) Great description of the sea... Welcome aboard pal, glad to have u at DSS..:)


El enigma said...

"But, they have always come back. And so have I - With or without answers......"

really nice ......captures the essence of ur entire narration in one sentence :)


Mindsurfer said...

Thanks all! I am really glad to be here too. I posted this last night, but I have been wondering if I am justified to be writing about the beauty of the sea when, on the other side of the world, people have died or lost loved ones to its wrath. It is really hard to believe. It is like being murdered by your own kin. Can you even hold them guilty although you know they are?

Tony J. said...

Very, very nice..."the sea asking me for pardon for what was to become my fate"...I really like that. I also like the line about the sea standing up...very powerful image. Like one I might find in one of my favorite novels... ;)

Mindsurfer said...

Ssm, you are very right. With the good comes the bad. We live on the Earth and gain so much from her. Sometimes, we have to put up with her agitations...
Cannot see this as betrayal...we have been forewarned.

Ram Prasad Bojanki said...

Keats in the making...

Ubermensch said...

deep, blue,wide sragasso sea???:))))