Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I see him!

He brushes the unkempt hair from his face,
Rough hands touch her, softer than lace
She listens rapt; as though in a trance
As he expounds on the intricacies of dance.

I see him!

His feet kicking up snow, ash shaken off his chest,
Her brow wet in perspiration, his in Ganga's mist!
He rattles the drum, her anklets tinkle,
As they dance atop earth's oldest wrinkles.

I see him!

This lord of men, in the summer of virility,
Mountains for shoulders, swaying with subtlety,
I see him wholly with the eyes of my heart,
The king of dance, as he holds court.


Reshmi said...

shiv seems to be the hot fav. eh?! :-D

CogitoErgoConfusum said...

aw man...goes to show how dumb i am when it comes to poetry...i couldn't figure out jack about the poem after the first reading,and had a forehead-smiting d-uh moment after reading resh's comment..:D

and now that i'm done with the post-revelation re-read, nice imagery there,buddy...keep 'em poems coming!

Anonymous said...

quite precisely as cec sd, if resh had'nt commented the shiv part. i wouldnt hav got it. nicely written surfer.

then as a passing thought, wish i could capture the spectacle in film.

Ardra said...

nice imagery...but perhaps a bit mild/placid when in context of shiva's cosmic Dance..., since it is abt the Tandava, mebbe u could use more of "violent/ferocity" words...like in the second stanza...something abt the resounding...echoing, tremors...sounds...the tossing of the rudrakshas...the vibrations affecting the whole universe...fear..terror..

and then mebbe, eventually parvathi accompanies his aggressive rhythm...slowly calms him down...her anklets, her touch soothes him- brings him down to Lasya...the mood changes...the ambience changes....the snow melts...and the world breathes easy yet again...
the Rudra Tandava evolving into the Ananda Nrittham...

sorry ms...got kind of carried away...U'r poem did that- dont blame me...beautiful...

enjoyed the vision..